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Приглашаются все сотрудники, аспиранты и студенты, заинтересованные в сотрудничестве с представителями китайской математической школы.
Объявления о заседаниях будут появляться на следующей веб-странице: http://english.math.pku.edu.cn/conferences/242.html
Следующее заседание намечено на 26 июня 2020 (пятница), с 15:00 до 17:00 (время московское).
To join Zoom Meeting(You can join in the meeting without a phone number):
Meeting ID: 685 3485 7318 Password:853524
Lecture 1 - Tying Knots in Fluids
Speaker: Prof. Yue Yang, Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science, College of Engineering, Peking University,Beijing
Time: 2020-06-26 20:00-21:00 Beijing time (15:00-16:00 Moscow time)
Abstract: We develop a general method for constructing knotted vortex/magnetic tubes with the finite thickness, arbitrary shape, and tunable twist. The central axis of the knotted tubes is determined by a given smooth and non-degenerated parametric equation. The helicity of the knotted tubes can be explicitly decomposed into the writhe, localized torsion, and intrinsic twist. We construct several knotted vortex/magnetic tubes with various geometry and topology, and investigate the effect of twist on their evolution in hydrodynamic or magnetohydrodynamic flows using direct numerical simulation. In addition, we illustrate a knot cascade of magnetic field lines through the stepwise reconnection of a pair of orthogonal helical flux tubes with opposite chirality.
Bio: Yue Yang received BE degree from Zhejiang University in 2004, MS degree from the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007, and PhD degree from California Institute of Technology in 2011, then he was sponsored by the CEFRC Fellowship for postdoc research at Princeton University and Cornell University. Yang joined the Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science in College of Engineering, Peking University in 2013, and was promoted to full professor in 2020. He received the “National Distinguished Young Researcher” award and “Qiu Shi Outstanding Young Scholar Award”. His research interests include turbulence, transition, and combustion.
Lecture 2 - Supercomputer simulations of aerodynamics and aeroacoustics problems using high-accuracy schemes on unstructured meshes.
Speaker: Prof. Andrey Gorobets, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS,
Moscow Time: 2020-06-26 21:00-22:00 Beijing time (16:00-17:00 Moscow time)
Abstract: This talk is devoted to scale-resolving simulations of compressible turbulent flows using edge-based high-accuracy methods on unstructured mixed-element meshes. The focus is on parallel computing. Firstly, the family of edge-based schemes that we are developing will be outlined. Then our simulation code NOISEtte will be presented. It has multilevel MPI+OpenMP+OpenCL parallelization for a wide range of hybrid supercomputer architectures. A description of the parallel algorithm will be provided. Finally, our supercomputer simulations of aerodynamics and aeroacoustics problems will be demonstrated.
Bio: Andrey Gorobets received higher education degree from Moscow State University in 2003,two PhD degrees from Institute for Mathematical Modeling RAS, Moscow, Russia in 2007 and CTTC UPC, Terrassa, Spain in 2008. He is now a senior researcher in Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS, Moscow, Russia. He is the winner of the Russian Federation President grant for young scientists MK-2010, the prize in the "Maximal scalability" competition (2nd place) by Intel and RUSNANO in 2009 and the Gold medal of RAS for young scientists in 2009.
Детали см. здесь http://english.math.pku.edu.cn/conferences/242.html
- Июн 22, 2020
- Кирилл Владимирович Семенов